Delta Green Operation Review: Lover in the Ice

Delta Green Operation Review: Lover in the Ice

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Content Warning: This operation contains strong language, and scenes of explicit sexual behavior and violence.

"An apocolyptic ice storm has crippled Lafontaine, Missouri. The  Agents must secure a forgotten storage facility packed with artifacts of  past Delta Green operations. They soon confront a horror that  gruesomely invades and mutilates its victims. What is preying on the  citizens of Lafontaine besides the weather? Can the Agents overcome the  threat with decisive action, or will they doom everyone in the horror's  path?

"Lover in the ice" is playable with Delta Green: Need to Know or Delta Green: Agent's Handbook, available from Arc Dream Publishing." - Drive thru RPG 

Recently released in PDF and in the upcoming hardcover scenario bundle, "Black Sites", Lover in the Ice offers a horrific sandbox for your players to experience the terrors that await in the hellish storm gripping the town. In this episode, Nate and Vase share their thoughts and offer suggestions to potential Handlers looking to run this Delta Green classic.

Published by arrangement with the Delta Green Partnership. The intellectual property known as Delta Green is a trademark and copyright owned by the Delta Green Partnership, who has licensed its use here. The contents of this document are ©Great Old Ones Gaming, excepting those elements that are components of the Delta Green intellectual property.

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