Delta Green: Observer Effect - Part 2

Delta Green: Observer Effect - Part 2

Direct Download - Here

Handler Vase Odin, tasks agents Jameson, Clark and returning agent, Malakov, to investigate the strange happenings at a holo-beam array in the forest of Illinois. The array recently experienced a power surge and it's up to the agents to discover the source of the issue under the cover of DOE inspectors.

As the Agents conduct their inspection, it seems as though nothing unnatural is going on within the facility. No conspiracy to unfold. But it still doesn't explain the power surge, or why Dr. Takagawa suddenly fell ill. Can the Agents discover the answers to these questions, or will ignorance blind them to the truth?

You can purchase “Observer Effect” Here, or on DrivethruRPG

"Observer Effect" is playable with Delta Green: Need to Know or Delta Green: Agent's Handbook, available from Arc Dream Publishing.

Published by arrangement with the Delta Green Partnership. The intellectual property known as Delta Green is a trademark and copyright owned by the Delta Green Partnership, who has licensed its use here. The contents of this document are ©Great Old Ones Gaming, excepting those elements that are components of the Delta Green intellectual property.

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