Episode #19 - Blessed be

Direct Download - Here

Episode #19 Show Notes:

Nate, Vase, and MFL reflect on the TCU Ironman event hosted by the Mythos Busters for Farkham Nights 2020. If you didn’t catch the stream, you can catch the VOD on MFL’s YouTube channel [and if you aren’t already consider subscribing]!


After playing with Bless and Curse tokens through a whole campaign, we take a deep dive into the bless and curse tokens as a whole and discuss the pros and cons to the mechanic.

Following the release of the Innsmouth Conspiracy deluxe box, FFG released an update to the FAQ and Taboo list. Are Seekers still OP? Is chaining cards effective?

Community Spotlight - Arkham in Wonderland, Fan-made campaign by Steam user, “The Beard” - Link to Printable version

Be sure to listen until the end for a chance to get your hands on a copy of “Barkham Horror”!

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